Most of the time I hear people say, "well, I'm not too sure of what to do with my life" or "what is my call to worship" and so on. This is the number one thing that can slow a believer of Christ down as well as waste precious time. Discovering your call to worship is very important in our lives, it uncovers the purpose as to why we are on earth. So I have decided to list a few things that will be sure to help you discover your call to worship!
What you want to do is build your inner self first, if your not mentally prepared within it is going to affect your performance. When I say read, I don't just mean any ordinary books, books that are authored by Men and Woman of God, that will have a positive impact on you. Books such as: Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy, All You Need To Have All Your Needs Met by David Oyedepo and The God Chaser by Tommy Tenney.
Prayer With Praise
Don't forget to pray without ceasing( 1 Thess 5:17). A person who is bound to give God the praise as well as spend time with him in prayer is serious enough about their call to worship. You can also find yourself in praise, God works in mysterious ways, while you might be worshipping He may show you a vision or bring a picture into your mind.
Meditation is Key. This is the reason why some people are bound to become great in life because they sat down and planned the next step for their future. Take sometime in the morning to meditate, how do you want the day to go, what are your plans? Things like this take time during the day, but it is also the most important part of the day. When I relax and read the word of God in a quiet area, I can hear Gods voice nice and clear.
Prayer Of The Day
Lord Jesus, help me to understand the calling of my life, lead me to my destiny helpers, and in the direction of your will for my life. I want to worship you in my actions. In your name I trust. In Jesus name. Amen.