I am sure you might be wondering "what family"? Well, I mean the family of Jesus Christ. Once you give your life to Christ you become apart of his family. He died for you to be saved (Jn 3:16). When you decide to give your life to Christ the word of the most high God and the spirit of God takeover, which is Jesus. You become a disciple of Christ, which is AMAZING, isn't it? The greatest family ever lives in Christ. Below is more information as to why it is important to give your life to Christ.
When you give your life to Christ it is like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders, no more stress, pain, sorrow or grieve because it is all in Gods hands now. What a wonderful feeling it is. When you give your life to Christ, God is so happy that there is actually a party up in Heaven because of you, another soul saved. You are special and a redeemed of the Lord. When you have finally made the right choice you will celebrate with God up in Heaven.
Prayer to Be Born Again
Lord Jesus, this day I have decided to give my life to Christ, to accept you as my Lord and savior. I believe I am washed clean of my sins, I am a new creation in Christ. My name is written in the book of life, help me to abide by your word day and night. In Jesus name. Amen. Thank you God.
