An appointment with destiny can be known as a meeting with God or something that was set to happen at a certain time by the power of God. An appiontmnet with destiny is something that is bound or suppose to happen, becuase it has a ripple effect on the future, no matter who hears it, where it is from or who is came from.
An example of an appointment with God or destiny was Jesus in the Bible during His forty days and forty nights of prayer and fasting, He had an appointment that could not be missed.
His three temptation trails with the devil. If Jesus did not meet with satan then there would be no impact that the story would have had in today's day and age, espically in the church, that appiontment was very important and could not be reseduled , and it is still being taught 'till this day.
Another moment in the bible that could also be known as a moment with destiny is Jesus meeting the Samartian woman at the well. She longed for the water that Jesus spoke of saying "that you would never have to be thirsty again" this was the water of Jesus Christ, but it all starts with giving your life to Christ.
There are countless more ecounters with God, Jesus, and His Angels, but the main piont is not to miss your enounter with destiny, it can even happen through dreams.
So pray this prayer.
Prayer of the Day
Lord Jesus, I do not want to miss my enounter with destiny, help me to always trust in you through thick and thin. Help me to be close to you and your word, let me have spiritual sensetivity in every which way. In Jesus' name. Amen. `